Our Story

The story of Vervo started when me and my wife wanted a way to track and support each other in our goals. At that time we were working on our credit score towards buying a house. Besides, tracking our groceries and kids medications have become an overwhelming task to go about. So what we’ve done next was what any person would do! You guessed, we went to the app stores and searched for an app to help us with these chores. As you expect, we ended up downloading over seven apps between the two of us. Some of them were too simple for what we needed. Those who could’ve helped started asking for money/subscription whenever we hit the button we needed. Lets just say frustration was in our eyes and we just gave up.

It was around the same time I’ve just finished my PhD studies and was overwhelmed with taking any extra task up. During my research years, I’ve done extensive research in sociology and psychology in relation to the technology times we’re living in. So naturally, as a scientist, next thing in the morning I started looking into the different theories regarding human tendency and want to accomplish certain tasks/goals and the road blocks encountered.

Fast forward six months, I’ve had collected enough research for me to gain a decent understanding of the psychological effects of tech and their relationship with goal tracking and commitment. That was the moment when I thought that we needed a website/app for me and my wife to help us with our overwhelming, scattered goals. So I’ve started my normal craze of putting all my research into an actionable plan. I’ve talked to one of my close friends in the software realm and he helped me shaped what I had into a workable mobile app.

My wife and I started using the app right away to handle our daily achievements and kept going at it for about three months. We then looked back at how much we were able to organize and accomplish (even though they were small goals), but we felt we were going in the right direction. That is when we decided that there might be other people who just don’t want to pay over $200/year on top of their bills to track and commit to their goals. Vervo was born shortly after with some help to make it presentable to the public and we made sure to never think of money when we release it to people. All we wanted was to hopefully help other human beings in their journey towards their daily or even life goals. This is personal for myself and wife and seeing others benefit from this would be a pleasure for us to have had helped another human being.

Lets spread the love and help each other out anyway we can. If after reading this, you feel like you want to be part of this compassion-based journey, then pls don’t hesitate to download Vervo or write to us and let us know if we can help in any shape or form.

Dr. Adam and Glenda Solomon,